Discussion of news, comedy, and anything else relevant in the lives of comedians Randolph Terrance and Andy Kline, along with weekly guest comedians. New FREE episodes on Thursday every week. Monday episodes and bonus content at www.patreon.com/threeguyson Contact us at: threeguyson@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Episode 621 - Daddy At Home
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
We're joined again today by everyone's favorite jar, Franqi French (@FranqiFrench). We start this episode with Andy telling the story of an odd bathroom design he encountered last weekend. Then, we discuss one of Trump's latest questionable cabinet picks. After that, we try to find out why Bo Bice is so sad. Next, we talk about the value of doing comedy in black rooms. And we close out with some thoughts on Bobby Bowden's feelings toward football players who are raised by women, and a tweet that got Steve Martin in trouble.

Monday Jan 09, 2017
Episode 620 - Stage Time
Monday Jan 09, 2017
Monday Jan 09, 2017
And we're back. Did you miss us? This week, we're joined by the great Franqi French (@FranqiFrench). We start this one off catching up on some listener emails from the last two weeks. That gets us into some marriage advice for a newlywed listener, and onto the topic of minorities increasingly buying guns. Then, we discuss the story of how Franqi's Christmas was almost ruined, then saved with the help of some friends and the 3GO family. And we close out with some comedy talk. Today's outro song is provided by The Passion HiFi.

Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Episode 619 - Shell Shock
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Today, we're joined by SP1, Haywood Turnipseed, Jr. (@woodyseed). We start this episode discussing what could have resulted from last week's meeting between Jim Brown and Donald Trump. Then, we break down Trump's appointment of Ben Carson to lead HUD, and what could have been a more suitable position for Ben. And we close out dissecting a recent Twitter feud between Piers Morgan and Lady Gaga.

Monday Dec 19, 2016
Episode 618 - Recipes For Disaster
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
This week, we're joined by SP1, Haywood Turnipseed, Jr. (@woodyseed), and we call friend of the show and intro-song-writer, Chad Heft (@ChadHeft) to talk about his newly released comedy album. After that, we get a quick update on Randolph's neighbor situation. Then, we discuss the way to handle having a daughter with a birthday a week before Christmas. And we close out with a long discussion on Obama, Russia, and Trump. In other words, it's the 3GO State of The Union Address.

Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Episode 617 - Stick The Landing
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Back again today with Dominic Rivera sitting in. We start this episode talking about the dollar store cashier who wound up on stage with Maxwell. Then, we move on to discuss some old-school memories of people bombing at the Apollo, and an infamous Youtube clip of a comic getting booed off stage. After that, we discuss the fate of Philadelphia's Pistachio Girl. And we close out with a little sports talk and what the problem is with Cam Newton this year.

Monday Dec 12, 2016
Episode 616 - Young And Loud
Monday Dec 12, 2016
Monday Dec 12, 2016
This week, we're joined by a new guest to the podcast, the great Dominic Rivera. In this episode, we get to know Dominic and discuss some of the perils of trying to raise children. Then, we talk about Russia hacking and influencing the presidential election, and how a guy with a gun wound up at a pizza place in DC. And we close with Randolph recapping a recent twiter beef, and talking about how much effort it takes to stay woke.

Thursday Dec 08, 2016
Episode 615 - The Big Face
Thursday Dec 08, 2016
Thursday Dec 08, 2016
And we're back again today with Tim and Petey Steele both sitting in. We start this one off talking about some terrible grocery and drug store ideas. Then, we get into last week's Trevor Noah vs. Tomi Lahren cordial conversation/evisceration. Next, we talk about the effects of putting dumb people on TV. And we close out with some thoughts on Colin Kaepernick's recent remarks about Fidel Castro.

Monday Dec 05, 2016
Episode 614 - No Puppet
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
This week we're back at full strength with Tim sitting in, and we're also joined by 3SPN favorite, Petey Steele. We start off hearing about an incident in which Andy was heckled during his CD recording. Then, a listener email gets us discussing good food spots around DC. And after that, we turn to the latest Trump news, speculating about who among our friends voted for him, whether he can pull off a Muslim registry, and some ways to fight back against Trump supporters.

Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Episode 613 - Casserole
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Thursday Nov 24, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving, folks! We're joined again today by Chris Milner (@EnglishmanChris) and David Tveite (@TveitPrivilege). We start this episode talking about Thanksgiving food traditions. Then, we reminisce about pregame show theme songs, which gets us off onto a tangent about racist sports commentators of the past. And we close out with our latest thoughts on pending Trump administration.

Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Episode 612 - Check Your People
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
Sunday Nov 20, 2016
This week, we're joined by #EnglishBae himself, Chris Milner (@EnglishmanChris), and a new guest to the show, the hilarious David Tveite (@TveitPrivilege). We start this one with a few minutes getting to know David. Then, some listener emails have us discussing millennials, strip clubs, PC culture, and of course, lotion. And we close out with some elction talk on who to blame and what's going on with Trump's potential appointees.