Discussion of news, comedy, and anything else relevant in the lives of comedians Randolph Terrance and Andy Kline, along with weekly guest comedians. New FREE episodes on Thursday every week. Monday episodes and bonus content at www.patreon.com/threeguyson Contact us at: threeguyson@gmail.com

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Episode 661 - Big Black Dogs
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Once again, we're joined today by Franqi French. We start this one off with some discussion on the plight of black pets in shelters, and how you can become an ally. Then, we discuss the Black Panther trailer and some of the ins and outs of his backstory. Next, we spend a few minutes talking about Franqi taking her daughter to Pride. And we close out with the story of a woman who was kicked out of her local pool for wearing a "thong," and the upcoming Bill Cosby speaking tour.

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Episode 660 - Medium Rare
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
This week, we're joined by the great Franqi French. We start this episode with some examination of the history of black fraternities. Then, we talk about the proper ways to cook steak and grilled cheese sandwiches. Next, we check out some listner emails which gets us talking about colorism in Martin, and last week's Georgia congressional race. After that, we give some thoughts on the Philando Castile dash cam video. And we close out with some discussion on Trump's admission that he never taped Comey.

Monday Jun 19, 2017
Episode 659 - Rod and Karen
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Only one episode this week but it's the longest one we've ever done, so there. This week, we're joined by Rod and Karen from the great Black Guy Who Tips Podcast (www.theblackguywhotips.com). We start this episode talking about Rod and Karen's experience at the inaugural NegroCon. Then, we discuss last week's Alexandria, VA congressman shooting and the acquittal of Philando Castile's killer. After that, we talk about how to handle white friends who support Trump. And we closse out with some thoughts on Bill Cosby's trial, and Megyn Kelly's interview with Alex Jones.
Follow Rod on Twitter at @rodimusprime
Follow Karen on Twitter at @SayDatAgain
And follow their podcast at @TBGWT

Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Episode 658 - Calm and Collected
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Once again, we're joined today by Petey Steele (@SteelebornDC). We start this one off with some discussion on last week's Comey hearing. Then, we get some of Petey's thoughts on ageism. After that, we look at a viral video of a drunk woman who was kicked out of a comedy show in Philly. Next, we discuss the cop who sat by while her husband choked someone to death. And we close out with a few thoughts on the Colin Kaepernick situation.

Monday Jun 12, 2017
Episode 657 - Caves of Europe
Monday Jun 12, 2017
Monday Jun 12, 2017
This week, we're joined by 3SPN favorite, Petey Steele (@SteelebornDC). We start this episode with a phone call to #EnglishBae himself, Chris Milner. We talk about this week's Specific Ignorance show coming up on Thursday with us as guests. Then, we talk about the teaser trailer for the upcoming Black Panther movie, and how it might make some people mad. And we close out with a break down of Ice Cube's appearance on Bill Maher's show.
Check us out on Specific Ignorance at the DC Drafthouse this Thursday: http://drafthousecomedy.com/event.cfm?id=489379&

Monday Jun 05, 2017
Episode 656 - Accept Rejection
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Monday Jun 05, 2017
SHOW NOTE: We had some time constraints this week, so only one episode, but it's a long one. This week, we're joined by the great Paris Sashay (@ParisSashay). In this episode, we spend some time getting to know Paris' backstory, and hearing about the time she was physically attacked by some dude because he couldn't handle rejection and men are trash. Then, we check in on the latest Trump embarassment of the week. And we close out with some thoughts on the recent Bill Maher N-word controversy, and Jason Whitlock's hot take on how Lebron James should feel about experiencing racism.

Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Episode 655 - Fire Emoji
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
We're back again today with the hilarious Dominic Rivera (@bigprnerd) sitting in. We start this episode with a look at Dominic's girl's instagram and some of the creepy attention it's attracting. Then, we go down a racist rant rabbit hole. We start with the video of a racist woman at a Sprint store, then move on to a racist woman at Walmart, then another racist woman at Trader Joe's, and finally a racist dude in Reno. And we close out with the story of a farmer in Charlottesville, VA whose Facebook post about liberal racism went viral.

Monday May 29, 2017
Episode 654 - Next Level Awkward
Monday May 29, 2017
Monday May 29, 2017
This week, we're joined by Puerto Rico Suave himself, Dominic Rivera (@bigprnerd). We start this one off talking about thick girls on Twitter and Instagram. Then, we get into some sports talk, breaking down the possible Mayweather vs. McGregor fight, and debating whether Lebron James is the GOAT. Next, we check listener emails and discuss some upcoming podcast news. After that, we analyze Trump's sword dance and talk a little politics. And we close out with the story of the Oregon train stabbing and the GOP candidate who bodyslammed a reporter.

Monday May 22, 2017
Episode 653 - Not Racist But...
Monday May 22, 2017
Monday May 22, 2017
We only had time to record one episode this week because of time constraints, but it's a great one. We have JL Cauvin (@JLCauvin) sitting in. We start this episode talking about the recent death of Chris Cornell. Then, we talk some politics and how to respond when facing racism. After that, we discuss whether Lebron James can now be considered the greatest basketball player of all time. And we close out with some talk on religion and atheism, and of course some comedy talk.

Thursday May 18, 2017
Episode 652 - Ambush
Thursday May 18, 2017
Thursday May 18, 2017
We're back again today with the great Petey Steele sitting in. We start this episode with some conspracy theory talk and a couple stories about car accidents. Then, we break down the Steve Harvey memo to his staff that went viral. After that, we talk about Trump supporteres. And we close out with a cop who found out he was 18% black and then found out his coworkers were 100% racist.
Catch Randolph opening for Rick Younger at the Drafthouse Comedy Theater in DC this Friday and Saturday: http://drafthousecomedy.com/event.cfm?id=485133&cart