Discussion of news, comedy, and anything else relevant in the lives of comedians Randolph Terrance and Andy Kline, along with weekly guest comedians. New FREE episodes on Thursday every week. Monday episodes and bonus content at www.patreon.com/threeguyson Contact us at: threeguyson@gmail.com

Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Episode 692 - Tasty Diner
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Thursday Nov 02, 2017
Today we're joined by Courtney Fearrington (@bigCcomedy). We start this episode talking about deodorant and good places to eat around Astoria, NY. Then, we watch a video of Trump being incredibly awkward with kids at a Halloween photo-op. Next, we tackle the age old question of what's the better pie: pumpkin or sweet potato. And we close out with the story of a Clemson Univeristy student government Vice President who was impeached after not standing for the pledge of allegiance.

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
BONUS EPISODE: The Woke Files - Michael A. Wood, Jr.
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
We had some time constraints this week so we couldn't give you a full 3GO episode, but we do have a great free episode of The Woke Files. Randolph speaks with Michael A. Wood, Jr. (@MichaelAWoodJr), a former Baltimore police officer who is now working to reform the culture of policing. For more information about his work, check out Michael's website: https://www.michaelawoodjr.net.

Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Episode 689 - The Light
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
We're joined today by PRS-1, Dominic Rivera (@bigprnerd). We start this episode talking about Keith Olbermann's take on Eminem's recent anti-Trump verse. That gets us into a deeper conversation on rap music. After that, we talk about a family who lost their child in a corn maze and left him there overnight. And we close out with some high school girls who are upset because their school decided being named after Robert E. Lee wasn't such a good idea.

Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Episode 687 - Middle Aisles
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Thursday Oct 12, 2017
Today, we're joined by the great Romane Walters (@Thatblack1). We start this episode talking about the recent rape allegations made against Nelly. Then, a tip jar donation gets us talking about clean eating. That leads us to revisit some classic anti-drug PSA's. After that, we give some initial thoughts on the New York Times story revealing Harvey Weinstein's sexual assaults. And we close out talking about last week's Buzzfeed article about Milo, Breitbart, and the alt-right.

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Episode 685 - Conflict of Chaos
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
We've got the great Elton Howard, Jr joining us today. We start this episode with a couple listener emails. Then, we discuss Ray Lewis' convoluted reasoning for kneeling during the national anthem when his team was in London recently. After that, we try to makes sense of Lou Holtz trying to make sense of Colin Kaepernick's protest. And we close out with some thoughts on Trump's handling of Puerto Rico.

Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Episode 683 - Baked Beans
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Short episode this week because of time constraints, but it's a good one. We're joined today by Franqi French (@FranqiFrench). We start this episode talking about the Golden State Warriors' refusal to visit Trump's white house. That takes us into a discussion of Serena Williams' recent letter to her mother. Then, we discuss the revelation that Aaron Hernandez had CTE. And we close with two stories of people getting away with defecating in public.

Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Episode 681 - Cock The Hammer
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Today we're joined by Petey Steele (@SteelebornDC). We start this episode talking about the various ways to wear ties. Then, we get an update on a "hot cop" who turned out to be an anti semite. After that, we talk about a campus security guard who shot himself and blamed it on a non-existent black guy. Then we talk politics for a bit. And we close out with a few classic videos of people accidentally shooting themselves.

Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Episode 679 - Ignorant
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Thursday Sep 14, 2017
Today, we're joined by Petey Steele (@SteelebornDC). In this episode, we get to hear Randolph raising a daugher, and hear a recap of his recent trip to NYC. We also check out an article about the Vice Mayor of Charlottesville, VA and what he has been up to since last month's Nazipalooza. Then, we take a look at a local story involving a woman, a bus, and a cup of urine. And we close out with a long overdue Petey Steele freestyle.

Friday Sep 08, 2017
BONUS EPISODE: The Woke Files - Jason Nichols
Friday Sep 08, 2017
Friday Sep 08, 2017
Since we didn't have a chance to record a regular podcast this week, we're putting this episode of The Woke Files up for free. In this episode, Randolph has an enlightening coversation with Jason Nichols, a professor of African American Studies at the University of Maryland who has made multiple appearances on Tucker Carlson's show. Stay tuned next week when we'll be back to our regular schedule.

Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Episode 677 - Hard Ass Head
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
We're back today with Dominic Rivera sitting in. This episode starts with a listener email that gets us talking about great pimp movies. Then, a video of two women fighting at a La Quinta Inn gets us checking out some other classic YouTube girl fights. Next, we get the real story about the black guy who stood behind Trump during his recent speech in Arizona. And we close out with some thoughts on the recently pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio.