Discussion of news, comedy, and anything else relevant in the lives of comedians Randolph Terrance and Andy Kline, along with weekly guest comedians. New FREE episodes on Thursday every week. Monday episodes and bonus content at www.patreon.com/threeguyson Contact us at: threeguyson@gmail.com

Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Episode 749 - White Sports
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
We're joined today by the great Charity Sade. We start this episode talking about fireworks and checking out a couple listener emails. Then, we discuss bathroom etiquette, white america, and Hope Solo's recent comments about soccer. After that, we talk about that NRA lady and some comments she made about journalists. And we close out with some discussion on the shooting of Antwon Rose.

Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Episode 747 - Caught It Early
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Welcome to yet another episode of Two Guys On. No guest today. We start this episode talking about that rapper guy whose name is hard to pronounce who got killed. Then, we check out some listener emails and talk about Melania's jacket. After that, we discuss a former basketball star and a college football coach whose politics seem to have gone off the deep end. And we close out with an article about how Trump staffers are having a hard time finding dates in DC. How do you like the new theme song?

Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Episode 745 - Unpacking
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
We're joined today by the great Dominic Rivera. We start this episode with some thoughts on the whole kids in cages situation. Then, we discuss the Trump/Kim summit spectacle. And after that, we have a long conversation about depression, anger, and how to take care of your mental health.

Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Episode 743 - Allies
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Today we're joined by one of our favorite guests, Petey Steele. We start this one off talking about LeBron's broken hand. Then, we check out some listener emails which gets us revisiting the topic of black nerds. Next, we discuss the apparent end to the Drake vs. Pusha T beef. After that, we check out the story of a hardware store owner who doesn't want any gays around. And we close out with an update on what happened to the cop who tackled James Blake, and a plastic surgeon who raps next to her unconscious patients.

Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Episode 741 - Thug Song
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
We're joined today by the great Romane Walters (@Thatblack1). We start this episode with some ideas on how Drake can get back at Pusha T. Then, we check out a couple listener emails, including one from a beatmaker. After that, we discuss a preacher who needs a new jet, and a woman who had to prove to an airline that her biracial child was hers. And we close out with some thoughts on LeBron's recent suit choices.

Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
BONUS EPISODE: The Woke Files - Marsha Warfield
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
In this episode of The Woke Files, Randolph has a great conversation with the legendary Marsha Warfield.

Thursday May 24, 2018
Episode 739 - Nobody Else
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
No sock puppet today, so it's just Two Guys On for a change. We start this episode talking about exercising and grade school fights. Then, we check out a couple listener emails. After that, we watch the video of a woman who decided to defecate inside a Tim Horton's, and talk about a guy who got some coffee shop employees fired because of the music they were playing. And we close out with some discussion on the most recent school shooting, and Childish Gambino's This Is America video.

Thursday May 10, 2018
Episode 737 - Free Lunch
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
We're joined today by Elton Howard, Jr. In this episode, we check out a couple listener emails, which gets into a conversation about Kanye West. After that, we watch the video of a racist old man fighting a woman in a parking lot. Next, we talk about a former ESPN host who says she was fired because she was white. And we close out with some discussion on the Kevin Hart sex tape extortion attempt.

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Episode 735 - Lost Cause
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Today we're joined by Elton "Pop Pop" Howard, Jr. We start this episode talking about old fast food jobs. Then, we reminisce about apartment living when you're young. After that, Elton tells us all about the big house he used to have before the housing market collapsed. Next, we discuss the notion of "happy slaves" being taught to some kids in school. And we close out with some thoughts on why Big Freedia's voice is showing up in other people's songs, but she's not making it into their videos.

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Episode 733 - Trespassing
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
We're joined today by Petey Steele. We start this episode with some listener emails. Then, we talk about a naked guy getting violent on the DC Metro. Next, we talk about Ray Lewis vs. Odell Beckham Jr., and the ongoing saga of Colin Kaepernick. After that we discuss last week's Starbucks racism and a kid getting shot at for trying to get directions to school. And we close out with some thoughts on the Simpsons response to The Problem With Apu.